Windows Longhorn Build 4051.0.idx02.031001-1340:修订间差异

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TCP/IP 堆栈有时可能不稳定。
TCP/IP 堆栈有时可能不稳定。

===x64 build specifics ===
=== x64 版本限定问题 ===
As Setup installs a barebone set of drivers by default, the x64 compile of this build suffers from major performance regressions and is subject to a number of bugs. Additionally, this build lacks a significant majority of the WoW64 compatibility layer, resulting in most x86-based applications not being able to function properly.
由于安装程序默认安装一组准系统驱动程序,因此此版本的 x64 编译会受到重大性能退化的影响,并受到许多 bug 的影响。此外,此版本缺少 WoW64 兼容层的绝大部分,导致大多数基于 x86 的应用程序无法正常运行。

====Hardware Abstraction Layer bugcheck on Checked/Debug compile====
====Hardware Abstraction Layer bugcheck on Checked/Debug compile====
