Windows Longhorn Build 4051.0.idx02.031001-1340

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Windows Longhorn 的版本
发布名称Windows Longhorn Client Preview
操作系统家族Windows NT 系列
NT 版本Windows NT 6.0
编译日期2003 年 10 月 1 日
时间炸弹+180 天 (自原始安装日期起)
已知 SKU 版本

Windows Longhorn Build 4051 是 Windows Longhorn 的 Milestone 7 版本。它是 10 月 27 日至 30 日在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶举行的 Microsoft 2003 专业开发人员大会的与会者提供的内部版本,作为此会议上展示的演示版本的弱化版本,使其成为仅有的两个由 Microsoft 广泛发布的重置前 Longhorn 版本之一,另一个是 Build 4074

此版本是在评估模式下编译的 x86、x64 和 IA-64 变体,因此,它可以在当前日期安装。在触发时间炸弹后尝试登录到桌面将使用户返回到登录屏幕。

NFO 文件

以下 NFO 文件包含在未知[a]小组和 WinBeta 版本中。



===================Proudly Presents===================

|          Windows Code Name Longhorn 4051 x64       |

Here's the full tag: 6.0.4051.0 (idx02.031001-1340) x64

|                    File Info                       |

                File Size : 486 MB
                Bootable  : Yes
                Arch      : 64bit - amd64
                Protection: A good idea.
|                Steps to Install                    |
1. Burn or mount using a program of your choice.
2. Install using TCP8W-T8PQJ-WWRRH-QH76C-99FBW as key
3. Enjoy.

Greetz fly out to...

To me :)	


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                           _       ___       ____       __                             
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                          | |/ |/ / / / / / /_/ /  __/ /_/ /_/ /                       
                          |__/|__/_/_/ /_/_____/\___/\__/\__,_/                        
  |                     Microsoft Windows Longhorn PDC build #4051                    |
  |            - Source: Microsoft             - Type: Operating System               |
  |            - Packaged By: winbeta          - Image Format: ISO                    |
  |            - Files: Longhorn_4051_PDC_WINBETA.part15.rxx                          |
  |            - Number of CD's: 1                - Protection: WPA                   |
  |            - Archives: 45 x 15 MB             - Release Date: 10/25/03            |
  |            - Review:                        |
  |            - Hardware Requirements: 600+ Mhz CPU, 128 MB RAM, 1.5 GB HD Space     |
  <---------------------------- R E L E A S E  N O T E S ----------------------------->
    PDC 2003 is being widely heralded by the development community as a "must-attend"  
    event for enterprise developers, software architects, software engineers, Web      
    developers, and Web development managers wanting to stay in sync with Microsoft's  
    platform roadmap.                                                                  
    Be one of the first to look under the hood of "Longhorn."                          
    "Longhorn" is the code name for the next major release of Microsoft Windows® and   
    the innovation runs deep. At PDC 2003, you can be the first to get information on  
    how to build your applications to take advantage of "Longhorn," and be ready for   
    the future.                                                                        
    Get up to speed on the next-generation database capabilities of "Yukon." With deep 
    XML support and Common Language Runtime integration, the next release of Microsoft 
    SQL Server, code named "Yukon," will take programmability, scalability,            
    availability,and business intelligence to the next level.                          
    Experience the future of application development with Visual Studio "Whidbey."     
    Extend your power and productivity with upcoming versions of Microsoft Visual      
    Studio®. Unleash the power of advanced Web services, harness business processes,   
    and transform database programming with "Yukon." See the latest innovation in      
    Visual C#®, Visual C++®, Visual Basic®, and other programming languages.           
    Take Web services to the next level with Microsoft .NET connected software. Web    
    services have become the industry choice for connecting systems. At PDC 2003,      
    you'll see where Web services are going next, with new capabilities, advanced      
    infrastructure tools, and new opportunities.                                       
    Get early code                                                                     
    PDC attendees have always been the first to get developer previews of important    
    future products. The tradition continues with PDC 2003—get early, and in some cases,
    exclusive code for Windows "Longhorn," SQL Server "Yukon," Visual Studio "Whidbey,"
    and other technologies.                                                            
    A great value.                                                                     
    Your PDC 2003 ID gets you into a keynote address on the next generation of computing
    from Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates, as well as break-out sessions,
    exclusive parties, interactive labs, a full-service food court, and much, much more.
  <----------------------------- I N S T A L L  N O T E S ---------------------------->
  1.) Unpack.                                                                          
  2.) Burn to CD.                                                                      
  3.) Install.                                                                         
  4.) Use this CD-Key:                                                                 
  4.) Enjoy!                                                                           
 <------------------------ ENJOY ANOTHER FINE RELEASE BY WiNBETA --------------------->
 |                                   Do More for less                                 |
                            Contact us at                          


体系结构 密钥
x86 和 x64 TCP8W-T8PQJ-WWRRH-QH76C-99FBW
IA-64 P9BT8-6HBG3-GRF29-BM92B-M973D



由于 x64 和 IA-64 编译中缺少 Avalon 框架,因此边栏和资源管理器预览窗格不存在。


默认情况下,此版本的 x86 对应版本的大多数副本不启用 ClearType 字体平滑。


TCP/IP 堆栈有时可能不稳定。

x64 版本限定问题

由于安装程序默认安装一组准系统驱动程序,因此此版本的 x64 编译会受到重大性能退化的影响,并受到许多 bug 的影响。此外,此版本缺少 WoW64 兼容层的绝大部分,导致大多数基于 x86 的应用程序无法正常运行。

Checked/Debug 编译中的硬件抽象层错误检查

尝试在启用了 Hyper-V 虚拟机监控程序的主机设备上启动此版本的 x64 checked/debug 版本会导致硬件抽象层的处理器功能检查中出现异常,进而触发 0x7E(SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED错误检查。可以通过将 hal.dll 二进制文件替换为 Free 编译中的变体,或者从主机的引导配置选项中禁用 Hyper-V(HypervisorLaunchType)来解决此问题。




PDC 2003 光盘

  1. 最初泄露此版本的小组的实际名称目前尚不清楚。