Windows Longhorn Build 4029.0.main.030619-0000:修订间差异

跳转到导航 跳转到搜索
第 94 行: 第 94 行:
Longhorn clock 纹理现在位于“These files are hidden.”消息的右下角。
Longhorn clock 纹理现在位于“These files are hidden.”消息的右下角。

===Carousel and Panorama===
=== Carousel Panorama ===
This build features two new view settings, Carousel and Panorama. Although only the Carousel view is present in the Hardware and Devices applet by default, the user can enable it in every folder by applying the following registry key:<syntaxhighlight lang="registry">
此版本具有两个新的视图设置:Carousel 和 Panorama。尽管默认情况下,“硬件和设备”小程序中仅存在“Carousel”视图,但用户可以通过应用以下注册表项在每个文件夹中启用它:
<syntaxhighlight lang="registry">
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

第 101 行: 第 102 行:
</syntaxhighlight>The Panorama view utilizes 3D View to incorporate the same desktop effects present in previous builds into the Explorer shell, such as the purple gradient background and spinning icons. Once enabled, it organizes all icons into a singular line. 3D View is not disabled upon changing View modes, resulting in the same effects remaining throughout all View modes until an Explorer restart is initiated.
Panorama 视图利用 3D View(3D 视图)将以前版本中的相同桌面效果合并到资源管理器 shell 中,例如紫色渐变背景和旋转图标。启用后,它会将所有图标组织成一行。更改 View(视图)模式时,3D View(3D 视图)不会被禁用,因此在所有视图模式下都会保留相同的效果,直到资源管理器重新启动。

The Carousel view, as indicated by the name, turns every present icon into a carousel.
如名称所示,Carousel 视图会将每个当前图标都变成轮播的一部分。

