Windows Longhorn Build 4029.0.main.030619-0000:修订间差异

跳转到导航 跳转到搜索
第 79 行: 第 79 行:
在按 {{key press|Ctrl|Alt|Del}} 时,现在会打开一个安全界面,而非任务管理器。此安全界面包含锁定计算机、注销、关闭和启动任务管理器的选项。它还显示当前用户登录 PC 的日期和时间。
在按 {{key press|Ctrl|Alt|Del}} 时,现在会打开一个安全界面,而非任务管理器。此安全界面包含锁定计算机、注销、关闭和启动任务管理器的选项。它还显示当前用户登录 PC 的日期和时间。

===Windows Explorer===
=== Windows 资源管理器 ===
The navigation bar now incorporates many aspects of other toolbars, such as the Back and Forward buttons, the folder name, the address bar and a Favorites button. As a result of the bar now listing the name of the folder the user is currently in, the folder's respective name is no longer shown on the title bar.

Each folder now features a set number of activities present on their preview banner, such as "Burn to CD or DVD", "Add or remove programs", "Learn about connecting your camera" or "Set as screensaver". However, many of these options are merely placeholders and do not function.
现在,每个文件夹的预览横幅上都有一定数量的活动,例如“Burn to CD or DVD(刻录到 CD 或 DVD)”、“添加或删除程序(Add or remove programs)”、“Learn about connecting your camera(了解如何连接摄像机)”或“Set as screensaver(设置为屏幕保护程序)”。但是,其中许多选项只是占位符,不起作用。

When hovering over a picture, the picture's thumbnail is now shown in the file preview. Similiarly, the thumbnails used when a file or option is selected have also been moved down.

The "My Contacts" banner now features an Orange to Yellow gradient, as well as two contacts in the background. The three document notes present in the "My Computer" banner have also been removed. Alongside this, the Game Library banner now uses a green background instead of gray.
“My Contacts(我的联系人)”横幅现在具有从橙色到黄色的渐变,背景中有两个联系人。“我的电脑(My Computer)”横幅中的三个文档注释也被删除。除此之外,Game Library(游戏库)横幅现在使用绿色背景而不是灰色。

Aside from the My Computer banner, banners now incorporate their background into the toolbars above them.

A new file copy effect is now present when copying files. It features a rotating arrow, which simultaneously moves from left to right.

The Longhorn clock texture is now present in the bottom right corner of the "These files are hidden." message.
Longhorn clock 纹理现在位于“These files are hidden.”消息的右下角。

===Carousel and Panorama===
===Carousel and Panorama===
