Windows Longhorn Build 4029.0.main.030619-0000:修订间差异

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“Add a tile(添加磁贴)”子菜单与主边栏上下文菜单合并。当边栏上已存在磁贴时,将在磁贴名称附近放置一个复选标记。不过,由于此更改,用户不能再放置多个单个磁贴。
“Add a tile(添加磁贴)”子菜单与主边栏上下文菜单合并。当边栏上已存在磁贴时,将在磁贴名称附近放置一个复选标记。不过,由于此更改,用户不能再放置多个单个磁贴。

==== Notifications====
==== 通知 ====
A new notification has been added, which reads "New Sidebar Tile Added" , "Would you like to show this tile on your bar?", along with Show and Hide options. Although, both options serve no purpose, as the former is non-functional, while the latter causes an Explorer crash.
添加了一条新通知,上面写着“New Sidebar Tile Added(已添加新的边栏磁贴)”、“Would you like to show this tile on your bar?(是否要在栏上显示此磁贴?)”,以及“Show(显示)”和“Hide(隐藏)”选项。虽然,这两个选项都没有用,因为前者不工作,而后者会导致资源管理器崩溃。

