Windows Longhorn Build 4029.0.main.030619-0000:修订间差异

第 51 行: 第 51 行:
此版本是最早在桌面版字符串中使用 Pig Latin 字符串 ''onghornLay rofessionalPay''(对于 Longhorn Professional)、''onghornLay omeHay'' ditionEay(对于 Longhorn Home Edition)或 ''onghornLay abletTay PC ditionEay''(对于 Longhorn Tablet PC Edition)的版本之一,这曾一度导致一些人怀疑其真实性。这些字符串是 Microsoft 为在整个操作系统中传播产品名称和版本号而执行的测试过程的一部分,以便显著简化命名过程。<ref>Paul Thurrott. [ “WinInfo 短片:9 月 29 日当周”]. 2003 年 9 月 26 日.</ref>在以前版本的 Windows 中,更改产品名称或版本号是一项艰巨的任务,需要手动编辑用户界面许多区域的信息。<ref>Michael Kaplan. [ “理清一切:这个名字真的是'onghornlay'吗?”]. 2006 年 4 月 4 日.</ref>
此版本是最早在桌面版字符串中使用 Pig Latin 字符串 ''onghornLay rofessionalPay''(对于 Longhorn Professional)、''onghornLay omeHay'' ditionEay(对于 Longhorn Home Edition)或 ''onghornLay abletTay PC ditionEay''(对于 Longhorn Tablet PC Edition)的版本之一,这曾一度导致一些人怀疑其真实性。这些字符串是 Microsoft 为在整个操作系统中传播产品名称和版本号而执行的测试过程的一部分,以便显著简化命名过程。<ref>Paul Thurrott. [ “WinInfo 短片:9 月 29 日当周”]. 2003 年 9 月 26 日.</ref>在以前版本的 Windows 中,更改产品名称或版本号是一项艰巨的任务,需要手动编辑用户界面许多区域的信息。<ref>Michael Kaplan. [ “理清一切:这个名字真的是'onghornlay'吗?”]. 2006 年 4 月 4 日.</ref>

====Taskbar and Sidebar ====
==== 任务栏和边栏 ====
The Basket sidebar tile is now fully functional, allowing the user to add files by simply dragging and dropping. The tile displays the files icons, their name, the order in which each invidiual file was added, as well as their size. Alongside this, a shuffle and an empty basket button is also present, along with many activities, like "Print these photos", "Play slide show" or "Share this folder". Although, most of these activities are non-functional, with most displaying a "This task has not been implemented yet" error message.
Basket(篮子)边栏磁贴现在功能齐全,允许用户通过简单的拖放来添加文件。拼贴显示文件图标、其名称、每个个体文件的添加顺序以及它们的大小。除此之外,还存在随机播放和空篮按钮,以及许多活动,例如“Print these photos(打印这些照片)”、“Play slide show(播放幻灯片)”或“Share this folder(共享此文件夹)”。不过,这些活动中的大多数都不起作用,并且大多数活动都显示“This task has not been implemented yet(此任务尚未实现)”错误消息。

The images on the Slide Show tile can now be controlled, with pause, previous slide and next slide buttons present underneath them. The context menu of this tile allows the slideshow to be viewed in full screen or set as a screen saver. The Edit option of the menu opens the current slide in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, while Settings allows the user to change the picture path that the tile uses, along with an option to use transition effects between pictures.
现在可以控制幻灯片放映图块上的图像,其下方有暂停、上一张幻灯片和下一张幻灯片按钮。此拼贴的上下文菜单允许全屏查看幻灯片或将其设置为屏幕保护程序。菜单的“编辑”选项可在 Windows 图片和传真查看器中打开当前幻灯片,而“设置”则允许用户更改拼贴使用的图片路径,以及在图片之间使用过渡效果的选项。

The Clock tile has been massively overhauled, removing the Longhorn symbol on the clock. Instead, it now features an analog clock, along with the digital time below it. This tile's context menu also contains the same design, albeit with a calendar below it, which contains a picture of a field, along with the month and year.
时钟磁贴已进行大规模修改,删除了时钟上的 Longhorn 符号。相反,它现在有一个模拟时钟,以及它下面的数字时间。此磁贴的上下文菜单也包含相同的设计,尽管其下方有一个日历,其中包含字段的图片以及月份和年份。

Each respective search filter has been given an icon in the My Stuff menu of the Search tile. A new filter for e-mails has also been added.
每个相应的搜索过滤器都在 Search 磁贴的 My Stuff(我的东西)菜单中被赋予了一个图标。还添加了新的电子邮件过滤器。

While this build re-adds the Windows Media Player tile, the tile is still non-functional, as the "MediaUXSrv.exe" crash is still present.
虽然此版本重新添加了 Windows Media Player 磁贴,但此磁贴仍然无法正常工作,这是因为“MediaUXSrv.exe”崩溃仍然存在。

The Taskbar context menu has had many of its options that were previously available as part of the old taskbar reimplemented, which include: Task Manager, Show Desktop, Cascade, Tile Vertically and Tile Horizontally.
任务栏上下文菜单具有许多以前作为重新实现的旧任务栏的一部分提供的选项,其中包括:任务管理器(Task Manager)、显示桌面(Show Desktop)、Cascade(级联)、Tile Vertically(垂直平铺)和 Tile Horizontally(水平平铺)。

The "Add a tile" submenu has been merged with the main sidebar context menu. When a tile is already present on the Sidebar, a checkmark is placed near the tile's name. Although, as a result of this change, the user can no longer place more than one of an individual tile.
“Add a tile(添加磁贴)”子菜单与主边栏上下文菜单合并。当边栏上已存在磁贴时,将在磁贴名称附近放置一个复选标记。不过,由于此更改,用户不能再放置多个单个磁贴。

==== Notifications====
==== Notifications====