Windows Longhorn Build 3713.0.Lab06 N.021113-1841:修订间差异

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=== 用户界面 ===
=== 用户界面 ===
==== 任务栏 ====
This is the earliest available build to include the new taskbar, which would later become the default in [[Windows Longhorn build 4015 (main)|build 4015]]. It can be enabled by right clicking on the sidebar and enabling the "New Taskbar" option.
* 这是包含新任务栏的最早可用版本,此任务栏后来成为 [[Windows Longhorn Build 4015.0.main.030328-1500|Build 4015]] 中的默认值。可以通过右键单击侧边栏并启用“新建任务栏”选项来启用它。
* 现在的任务栏比旧任务栏短 5 像素,现在与边栏集成。但是,任务栏不显示用户的通知或当前时间。
The taskbar is 5 pixels shorter than the old one and now integrates with the sidebar. However, the taskbar does not display the user's notifications or the current time.
* 任务栏中添加了一个箭头按钮,允许用户打开或关闭侧边栏。
An arrow button was added to the taskbar, which allows the user to open or close the sidebar.

