Windows Longhorn Build 4033.0.main.030717-1555:修订间差异

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(创建页面,内容为“{{DISPLAYTITLE:{{标题增强|3}}}} {{NavBar|首页 > Microsoft Windows 通述 > Windows 客户端 > Windows Vista > [[{{标题增强|3}}]]}} {{Infobox Windows build |build of = Windows Longhorn |image = LH4033_Desktop.png |buildtag = 4033.0.main.030717-1555 |family = nt |NT version = Windows NT 6.0 |build = 4033 |lab = main |revision = 0 |arch = x86 |sku = Professional |compiled = 2003-7-17 |timebomb = 2004-1-13 |key = TCP8……”)
第 19 行: 第 19 行:

'''Windows Longhorn build 4033 (main)''' is a Milestone 6 build of [[Windows Vista|Windows Longhorn]], which was shared online on 23 May 2006.<ref></ref>
Windows Longhorn Build 4033.main [[Windows Vista|Windows Longhorn]] 的 Milestone 6 版本,于 2006 年 5 月 23 日联机共享。<ref></ref>

== NFO file ==
== NFO file ==
