Windows Longhorn Build 4029.0.main.030619-0000:修订间差异

跳转到导航 跳转到搜索
第 145 行: 第 145 行:
* 边栏上下文菜单有时可能会显示浅蓝色方块而不是复选标记。
* 边栏上下文菜单有时可能会显示浅蓝色方块而不是复选标记。

===Control Panel===
=== 控制面板 ===
Many system sounds do not function, due to them being pointed to the <code>Windows</code> directory instead of the <code>Windows\Media</code> directory. Even if the registry entry controlling the directory path is modified to fix the issue, the sounds don't often work for unknown reasons.
许多系统声音无法正常工作,因为它们指向 <code>Windows</code> 目录而不是 <code>Windows\Media</code> 目录。即使修改了控制目录路径的注册表项以解决问题,由于未知原因,声音通常不起作用。

===Desktop Compositing Engine===
===Desktop Compositing Engine===
