Windows Longhorn Build 4029.0.main.030619-0000:修订间差异

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现在,“自动播放”功能在左上角包括一个旋转的压缩闪存或 DVD 驱动器图标。现在还会询问用户他们想对插入的设备做什么。
现在,“自动播放”功能在左上角包括一个旋转的压缩闪存或 DVD 驱动器图标。现在还会询问用户他们想对插入的设备做什么。

=== 其他 ===
* Outlook Express 收到了一个新的蓝色设计和图标,两者都与 Plex 主题相匹配。此版本的 Outlook 依赖于 WinFS,如果禁用 WinFS,会导致崩溃。
*Outlook Express has received a new blue-ish design and icon, both of which match the Plex theme. This version of Outlook relies on WinFS, resulting in a crash if WinFS is disabled.
* 此版本中找到的 Messenger 版本只能与内部 Microsoft 帐户一起使用。单击以获取有关此主题的更多信息时,它会将用户重定向到 Microsoft Intranet 网站。<ref>http://longhorn/ux/Communications/WindowsMessenger/WMLonghorn.html</ref>
*The version of Messenger found in this build can only be used with internal Microsoft accounts. When clicking for more info on the topic, it redirects the user to a Microsoft intranet website.<ref>http://longhorn/ux/Communications/WindowsMessenger/WMLonghorn.html</ref>
* 每个 Windows 资源管理器 [[WinFS]] 筛选器的第一个字母现在都大写。
*The first letter of each Windows Explorer [[WinFS]] filter is now capitalized.
* Windows 产品激活宽限期延长至 60 天。
*The Windows Product Activation grace period has been extended to 60 days.
* 添加了新的错误检查代码:
* New bugcheck codes have been added:
** <code>MUP_FILE_SYSTEM</code><code>0x103</code>
** <code>MUP_FILE_SYSTEM</code> (<code>0x103</code>)
** <code>An invalid AGP memory access was detected.</code>(检测到无效的AGP内存访问。)(<code>0x104</code>,后来更名为 <code>AGP_INVALID_ACCESS</code>
** <code>An invalid AGP memory access was detected.</code> (<code>0x104</code>, later renamed <code>AGP_INVALID_ACCESS</code>)
** <code>The Graphics Aperture Redirection Table (Gart) is corrupt.</code>(图形孔径重定向表(Gart)已损坏。)(<code>0x105</code>,后来更名为 <code>AGP_GART_CORRUPTION</code>
** <code>The Graphics Aperture Redirection Table (Gart) is corrupt.</code> (<code>0x105</code>, later renamed <code>AGP_GART_CORRUPTION</code>)
** <code>The AGP HW has been reprogrammed by an unauthorized agent.</code>(AGP 硬件已被未经授权的代理重新编程。)(<code>0x106</code>,后来更名为 <code>AGP_ILLEGALLY_REPROGRAMMED</code>
** <code>The AGP HW has been reprogrammed by an unauthorized agent.</code> (<code>0x106</code>, later renamed <code>AGP_ILLEGALLY_REPROGRAMMED</code>)
** <code>RESOURCE_MANAGER_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED</code><code>0x107</code>
** <code>RESOURCE_MANAGER_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED</code> (<code>0x107</code>)
*** 此错误检查代码将在开发重置后重新分配给代码 <code>0x10F</code><ref></ref>
*** This bugcheck code would be reassigned to code <code>0x10F</code> after the development reset.<ref></ref>

==Bugs and quirks==
==Bugs and quirks==
