文档:Windows 95 Build 267 NFO:修订历史

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2024 年 4 月 10 日 (星期三)

  • 当前之前 16:552024 年 4 月 10 日 (三) 16:55正义羊-JRJSheep 讨论 贡献 1,563 字节 +1,563 创建页面,内容为“<pre> Windows 95 Beta 2 Build 267 ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build 265 was created on November 21st, 1994. It is the latest version of Windows 95, and fixes more of the problems from the M7 Beta build 224 and some severe defects in build 265. To install, unzip all 22 files into a subdirectory on your hard drive. It will take approximately 40 megs for t……”