Windows Server 2003 Build 3692

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Windows Server 2003 的版本
操作系统家族Windows NT 系列
NT 版本Windows NT 5.2

Windows Server 2003 Build 3692 是 Windows Server 2003 的版本,在标题为《INFO: Handunsf.reg File Has Been Removed in MDAC 2.8 Redist Setup for Security Reasons(信息:出于安全原因,Handunsf.reg 文件已在 MDAC 2.8 Redist 安装程序中删除)》知识库中引用了此版本。[1]

Versions Affected
Handunsf.reg file is removed by MDAC 2.8 Redist setup from Windows Server build 3692 and later versions.

Note: Administrators can still make the server run in Unsafe mode because they can still use msdfmap.handler and edit the .ini file.
