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开发商Seattle Computer Products / Tim Paterson
初始版本86-DOS 0.10
(1980 年 7 月 25 日)
最新版本86-DOS 1.14
(1981 年 12 月 11 日)

86-DOS,内部称为QDOS,有时在官方文档中称为Seattle DOSSCP-DOS[1] 是由 Seattle Computer Products 开发的操作系统,后来获得许可[2] ,然后由 Microsoft购买[3] 并使用作为IBM PC-DOS和MS-DOS的基础。


西雅图计算机产品公司 (Seattle Computer Products) 创建并出售了首批 8086 计算机套件之一,但由于缺乏为其编写的软件,其销量微乎其微。[4] CP/M-86 预计将成为第一个进入 8086 软件世界的项目,自 1979 年 12 月以来一直被推迟,[5][6] 到 1980 年 2 月,他们感受到了为自己的设备提供产品的压力。

员工 Tim Paterson 于 1980 年之前曾在 Seattle Computer Products 从事过硬件工作,在大学期间只从事过一些软件工作,[7] 在他在公司 8086 董事会工作期间产生了创建自己的操作系统的想法。[6] 1980 年 2 月 6 日左右,帕特森与西雅图计算机产品公司的所有者罗德·布洛克 (Rod Brock) 举行了一次董事会会议,后者批准了他的想法。[8] 操作系统的主要目标之一是与 CP/M 的翻译兼容性,[9][10] 因此大多数内部功能都是根据 CP/M-80 手册重新实现的。[11] 另一个目标是一个更高效的文件系统,根据他对未完成的 8 位操作系统的记忆重新实现,称为 Microsoft Interrupt Driven Asynchronous System (MIDAS,[9] 或 MDOS[12] 1980 年之前[a]),编写作者是 Marc McDonald,[9][12] 这是他在 1979 年全国计算机会议期间了解到的。[7][b] 进一步的灵感来自 North Star 和 Cromemco 的 CP/M-80 变体、[5] UCSD p-System, Unix、[7] CDC SCOPE、Cromemco RDOS,和IMSAI 8080独立系统。[8]

开发正式开始于 1980 年 4 月,[4][c] with code written in MicroPro WordMaster[7][15] on on a Cromemco Z80 computer[15][16] running CDOS.[7] While some code was written in pure 8086 assembly, most was written in the more familiar Z80 assembly and then translated using Paterson's Z80 to 8086 translator, TRANS-86,[7][17] for testing on the Seattle Computer Products 8086 system.[18] The operating system was in a workable state by late July, with Paterson spending about half of his time on its development.[4][19] Though it wasn't completely finished, Paterson figured a quick release was more important than adding all the features.[20]



86-DOS 1.xx



  1. 更名的确切日期尚不清楚,但1979年1980年 的用户手册草稿给出了大概的日期。
  2. MIDAS 文件系统的实现在两个方面失败了。 首先,FAT 和相应目录扇区的写入顺序被翻转(因此 FAT 是第二个写入),从而允许创建“孤立”文件。 其次,帕特森忘记实现一个停止器,指示何时磁道中没有更多目录条目,从而在仅需要读取少量扇区时导致速度显着减慢。[13]
  3. 在 2 月份的董事会会议之后,Paterson 抢先更新了他在 1979 年编写的 8086 监视器 (MON-86),添加了“trace”命令。[14]


  1. United States District Court for the Western District of Washington (25 July 2007). Paterson v. Little, Brown, and Co., et al. - Order. Seattle Times. Case 2:05-cv-01719-TSZ Document 29.
  2. Brock, Rod; Allen, Paul (6 January 1981); Iowa District Court for Polk County. 86-DOS License Agreement with Microsoft; Plaintiff's Exhibit #1, Comes v. Microsoft.
  3. Brock, Rod; Allen, Paul (27 July 1981); Iowa District Court for Polk County. 86-DOS Agreement of Sale with Microsoft; Plaintiff's Exhibit #2, Comes v. Microsoft.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Hunter, David (March 1983). The Roots of DOS: Tim Paterson. Softalk for the IBM Personal Computer. p. 12-15.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Paterson, Tim (30 September 2007). Design of DOS. DosMan Drivel.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Bornstein, Howard (1986). MS-DOS (Versions 1.0-3.2) Technical Reference Encyclopedia. Microsoft Press. p. 8. ISBN 0-914845-69-1.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Paterson, Tim (4 August 2018). VCF West XIII -- Tim Paterson -- Original DOS and the old days. Vintage Computer Federation.
  8. 8.0 8.1 United States District Court for the Western District of Washington (18 January 2007). Paterson v. Little, Brown, and Co., et al. - Deposition Upon Oral Examination of Tim Paterson. Case 2:05-cv-01719-TSZ Document 14-2.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Manes, Stephen; Andrews, Paul (1993). Gates: How Microsoft's Mogul Reinvented an Industry—and Made Himself the Richest Man in America. Doubleday. p. 280-281. ISBN 0-385-42075-7.
  10. Välimäki, Mikko (2005). The Rise of Open Source Licensing. Turre. p. 88. ISBN 952-91-8779-3.
  11. Cringely, Robert (June 1996). Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires (Season 1). PBS.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Duncan, Ray (1988). The MS-DOS Encyclopedia. Microsoft Press. ISBN 1-55615-049-0.
  13. Personal communication to Marc McDonald, February 12, 2022.
  14. Paterson, Tim (February 18, 1980). 8086 Monitor Version 1.4A Instruction Manual. PatersonTech.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Glatzer, Hal (March 1984). Reflections on Past and Future With the Man From MS-DOS. Software News. p. 44 & 46.
  16. Watt, Peggy (7 April 1986). MS-DOS creator Tim Paterson earns place in industry annals. Computerworld. p. 54.
  17. Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) Unofficial Changelist. BytePointer.
  18. Paterson, Tim (24 November 2007). The First DOS Machine. DosMan Drivel.
  19. Rojas, Raúl (April 2001). Encyclopedia of Computers and Computer History (A-L). Fitzroy Dearborn. ISBN 1-57958-235-4.
  20. Watt, Peggy (12 August 1991). PC-DOS, also 10, has its own storied past. Infoworld. p. 48.