- Firefox 或 Safari:按住 Shift 的同时单击刷新,或按 Ctrl-F5 或 Ctrl-R(Mac 为 ⌘-R)
- Google Chrome:按 Ctrl-Shift-R(Mac 为 ⌘-Shift-R)
- Internet Explorer 或 Edge:按住Ctrl的同时单击刷新,或按 Ctrl-F5
- Opera:按 Ctrl-F5。
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/* 来自 BetaWiki */
/* 来自维基百科的主页修复 */
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* Eye candy
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* Hatnotes
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/* Style for horizontal lists (separator following item).
@source mediawiki.org/wiki/Snippets/Horizontal_lists
@revision 8 (2016-05-21)
@author Edokter
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* Note hlist style usage differd in
* the Minerva skin. Remember .hlist is a class defined in core as well! Please check Minerva desktop (and Minerva.css) when changing
* See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T213239
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