Windows Longhorn Build 4051.0.idx02.031001-1340:修订间差异

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(创建页面,内容为“{{NavBar|首页 > Microsoft Windows 通述 > Windows 客户端 > Windows Vista > Windows Longhorn Build 4051.0.idx02.031001-1340}} {{Infobox Windows build |build of = Windows Longhorn |name = Windows Longhorn Client Preview |image = WindowsLonghorn-6.0.4051-Desktop.png |buildtag = 4051.0.idx02.031001-1340 |family = nt |NT version = Windows NT 6.0 |build = 4051 |lab = idx02 |revision = 0 |arch = x86、x64、IA-64 |sku =……”)
第 21 行: 第 21 行:
此版本是在评估模式下编译的 x86、x64 和 IA-64 变体,因此,它可以在当前日期安装。在触发[[时间炸弹]]后尝试登录到桌面将使用户返回到登录屏幕。
此版本是在评估模式下编译的 x86、x64 和 IA-64 变体,因此,它可以在当前日期安装。在触发[[时间炸弹]]后尝试登录到桌面将使用户返回到登录屏幕。

==NFO files==
== NFO 文件 ==
The following NFO files were included as part of the Unknown{{efn|The actual name of the group that leaked this build originally is still not currently known.}} and WinBeta releases.{{Collapse top|title=Unknown group}}
以下 NFO 文件包含在未知{{efn|最初泄露此版本的小组的实际名称目前尚不清楚。}}小组和 WinBeta 版本中。
{{Document:Windows Longhorn build 4051 NFO}}
{{Collapse top|title=未知小组}}
{{:文档:Windows Longhorn Build 4051 NFO}}
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{{Collapse top|title=WinBeta}}
{{Collapse top|title=WinBeta}}
{{Document:Windows Longhorn build 4051 NFO (WinBeta)}}
{{:文档:Windows Longhorn Build 4051 NFO(WinBeta)}}
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