文档:Windows Longhorn Build 4039(Lab06 n.030827-1717)NFO

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===================Proudly Presents===================

|          Windows Code Name Longhorn 4039           |

Here's the full tag: 4039.0 (Lab06_n.030827-1717)
This build includes Phodeo and full DWM and glass.
Remember, folks, you got it here first. Note that 
MSI had no intention of leaking it, but it was
going to be leaked by the wrong people anyway.

|                    File Info                       |

                File Size : 641MB
                Bootable  : Yes
                Arch      : 32-bit i386
                Protection: A good idea.
|                Steps to Install                    |
1. Burn or mount using a program of your choice.
2. Set date back to August 27 2003.
3. Install using TCP8W-T8PQJ-WWRRH-QH76C-99FBW as key
4. Enjoy.

Greetz fly out to...

Ishan - You're the whole reason this got leaked. A
disgrace to the scene.