文档:Windows Longhorn Build 3718 NFO

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			    [2004 -- Are you ready?]
         ---[> Proudly Presents For Your Viewing Pleasure <]---

             │║ █                                            █ ║│
             │║  █  Windows "Codename: Longhorn" Build 3718 █  ║│
             │║  █         Released: 4/30/2004              █  ║│
             │║ █          Leaker: EmoAddict15               █ ║│
         			CRC Value -- CADF1F2A
				Size -- 535,867,392 bytes
                    │               Overview               │   
                    │ A "new" longhorn build for you guys  │
                    │ to play with.  Better grab the 	   │
                    │ fucking tissues.			   │
                    │ 					   │
                    │ Apparently, DCE doesn't need a dx9   │
                    │ GPU like we all thought.  The menu   │
                    │ to enable DCE effects is in Display  │
                    │ Settings and Advanced.  So go there  │
                    │ enable it, have a fucking blast kids.│
                    │ Fuck, I'm cool.			   │

                    ║             Directions               ║
                    ║    				   ║
 		    ║	** BE SURE YOUR DATE IS **	   ║
 		    ║	** 11/30/02 !!!!!!!!!!! **	   ║
                    ║					   ║
                    ║  1. Extract                          ║
                    ║  2. Burn the ISO ( It's bootable     ║
                    ║      AND untouched ).		   ║
                    ║  3. Run setup.exe in windows or      ║
                    ║     winnt.exe from DOS (recommend    ║
                    ║     using Smartdrv.exe if doing a DOS║
                    ║     install, unless you're booting   ║
                    ║     from the CD. 			   ║
                    ║  4. Installing using a .NET RC1 key, ║
                    ║     like this one:		   ║
                    ║     TM44C-92G7F-29924-2J8VH-RPCKB    ║
                    ║  					   ║
                    ║  >> .NET RC1 Key Database coming	   ║
                    ║     soon <<			   ║

                    ║        ..Visit iNFLUENCE..           ║
                    ║  This year, we're innocent, I promise║
                    ║   				   ║
                    ║  IRC: irc.lifeclot.net		   ║
                    ║  Channel: #Toastednet                ║
                    ║  Channel: #BetaOS			   ║
                    ║      				   ║
                    ║  Setup a BOT and share 3718!         ║

                    ║           ..Greetings..              ║
                    ║  NightDarker  -- My Nigga		   ║
                    ║  `Night   -- Best M$ Whistler Cracks ║
                    ║  meelWORM -- #eXPerience ;)	   ║
                    ║  ^^Matt^^ -- I wouldn't be here.     ║
                    ║  Bullz    -- iNFL wouldn't exist...  ║
                    ║  Citra    -- Best M$ Cracker	   ║
                    ║  Reflectiax -- Sorry I leaked this,  ║
                    ║                but you quit the scene║
                    ║                :(	 		   ║
                    ║  Cpu Killer			   ║
                    ║  Mandy Cat -- :-*			   ║
                    ║  Katy -- You're famous now, kid.	   ║
                    ║					   ║

DeC -- Fuck you, asshole.  You're the whole reason this got leaked. That and my stupidity.
BOFH -- Fuck you too.  You're a fucking retard and disgrace to the scene.