文档:Windows Longhorn Build 3706 NFO

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		$$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$$        $$  $$$$$$$    $$$$$$$$     $$$$$$$$$
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		$$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$    $$       $$   $$$$$$$$$
       |									          |
       |									          |
       | Proudly Presents : Microsoft Windows Code Name: ''Longhorn'' Build 3706.Lab06_n  |
       |                    							          |	
       |									          |	


    ╔═─═════════─═╗         ╔─╦──╦───╦────╦═───═╦═───═╦────╦───╦──╦─╗         ╔═─═════════─═╗
    ╚╬            ╚═─═════─═╝═╩══╩═══╩════╩═════╩═════╩════╩═══╩══╩═╚═─═════─═╝            ╬╝
    ▓│                                 │▒                                                  ##
    ##                             ½½½½½½½   ½½½½½   ░░░      ▀▀▀▀                         ##
    ##                           ½½½½½½½½½  ┐ ½½    ░   ░     ▀▀▀▀▀                        ##
    ##                          ½½½½½ ½½½½½  ½½½½  ░     ░    ▀ ┐▀▀▀                       ##
    ##                         ½½½½½  ½½½½½½ ½½½  ░     ░    ▀ ▀▀▀                         ##
    ##                        ½½½½½    ½½½½½½½½½   ░   ░     ▀▀▀▀                          ##
    ##                       ½½½½½      ½½½½½½½     ░░░      ▀ ┐▀▀▀                        ##
    ##                                   ¼¼¼¼¼       ┐       ▀ ▀▀▀                         ##
    ##                                    ░░░                ▀▀▀▀                          ##
    ##                                     ░                 ▀▀▀                           ##
    ##                                                       ▀┐                            ##
    ##                                                                                     ##
    ##                \\\\\\\         PRESENTS THE PR╪PER:             ///////             ##
    ##                 |||||||Microsoft Windows Code Name: ''Longhorn''|||||||             ##
    ##                 |||||||||||||Build 3706.Lab06_N.021029-1731||||||||||||             ##
    ##                 -------------------------------------------------------             ##
    ##                 |||||||||SIZE: 486MB (510,343,307 bytes)|||||||||||||||             ##
    ##                 ||||||||||||||||CRC: 0x562D9D1A||||||||||||||||||||||||             ##
    ##                 ||||||||||||PLATFORM: x86||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||             ##
    ##                 |||||||SERIAL: TM44C-92G7F-29924-2J8VH-RPCKB|||||||||||             ##
    ##                 ||||||||||||RELEASE DATE: JULY 17th 2003|||||||||||||||             ##
    ##                 -------------------------------------------------------             ##
    ▓│                                                                                     │▒
    ▓│                                                                                     │▒
    ▓│                                                                                     │▒
    ╚╬╝ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╚╬╝
     ╚═─═══════════════─═╗                                             ╔═─═══════════════─═╝
    ╔═─════════════════─═╝                                             ╚═─════════════════─═╗
    ##											   ##	                                        
    ##  										   ##
    ##					Release Notes					   ##
    ##            __________________________________________________________	           ##
    ##											   ##
    ▓│  This build was leaked by NoB. It is the PROPER RELEASE, and is nearly original.    │▒
    ▓│  This ISO is entirely bootable, and has been thoroughly tested by                   │▒ 
    ▓│  many people over the years. This ISO came from the EXACT same source that GS's did │▒
    ▓│  and neither are the ORIGINAL ISO. The original does not contain any more features  │▒
    ▓│  than this version does, so please be content with what we have decided to release. │▒
    ▓│                                                                                     │▒
    ▓│                                                                                     │▒
    $$									              	   $$
    $$					Install Notes:				           $$	
    $$		                            Unpack. 		                           $$	
    $$				             Burn.				           $$ 
    $$   		       Change BIOS Time to October 29th 2002.			   $$		
    $$											   $$
    $$                Install using CD KEY: TM44C-92G7F-29924-2J8VH-RPCKB.                 $$
    $$ 										           $$
    $$					Enjoy the Show!				           $$                                        
    ╚╬╝ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╚╬╝
     ╚═─═══════════════─═╗                                             ╔═─═══════════════─═╝
    ╔═─════════════════─═╝       Propz to J & 2003 for this release!   ╚═─════════════════─═╗
               			c0d3rz === IT CANT GET ANY BETTER

    ╚╬╝ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╚╬╝

Fly OutZ 2 OSBetaArchive (4 l34king this crappy build in the first place lol)
                                                           Werejag (4 5231's sourc3 lol)
                   AlphaAlien (4 being d3monic4lly possessed lol)
         Dena (4 complaining during the conception of this release lol)
                                                      & of course Mr. NoB himself. ;)