文档:Windows Longhorn Build 3706 文件差异

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名称 描述 版本
3cwmcru.sys Modem driver
bfaxdev.dll.mui Brooktrout PnP Driver Device CoInstaller
ctljystk.sys Creative Joyport Enabler 5.1.2501.0 built by: WinDDK
devdir.dll Device Directory Dll 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
devdirps.dll Device Directory Proxy Stub Dll 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
hpt3xx.sys HPT3xx Miniport Driver v2.32 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
microsoft.directx.audiovideoplayback.dll Microsoft Managed AudioVideoPlayback 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
microsoft.directx.diagnostics.dll Microsoft Managed DirectX Diagnostics 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll Microsoft Managed Direct3D 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
microsoft.directx.direct3dx.dll Microsoft Managed D3DX 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
microsoft.directx.directdraw.dll Microsoft Managed DirectDraw 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
microsoft.directx.directinput.dll Microsoft Managed DirectInput 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
microsoft.directx.directplay.dll Microsoft Managed DirectPlay 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
microsoft.directx.directsound.dll Microsoft Managed DirectSound 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
microsoft.directx.dll Microsoft Managed DirectX Helper Classes 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
mspmsnsv.dll Microsoft Media Device Service Provider 9.0.3706.0
mspmsnsv.dll.mui Microsoft Media Device Service Provider 9.0.3706.0
rdpclip.exe.mui RDP Clip Monitor 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
rpcnsh.dll RPC Netshell Helper 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
wcpd.dll.mui XMF Processor 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
wcpddui.dll.mui XMF Printer Driver Properties 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
winfsevn.rll Microsoft® Windows® Storage Engine Messages DLL 6.0.3706.0
winfsos.dll Microsoft® Windows® Storage Engine Hosting 6.0.3706.0 (Lab06_N.021029-1731)
名称 描述 版本
adrot.dll.mui MSWC Advertisement Rotator 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
advpack.dll.mui ADVPACK 6.05.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
avstartup.exe 6.0.3683.20923
browscap.dll.mui MSWC Browser Capabilities 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
certmap.ocx.mui Certificate account mapping utility 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
cfgwiz.exe.mui Microsoft SharePoint and FrontPage Server Administrator Snapin 10.0.4511
cmbins.exe.mui Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor 6.00.2600.0000
cnfgprts.ocx.mui Configuration DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
coadmin.dll.mui IIS CoAdmin DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
convlog.exe.mui IIS Log File Conversion Utility 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
deskres.dll.mui SpDesk 1.0.02030.1
dw.exe.mui Microsoft Application Error Reporting 10.0.2701
fp5autl.dll.mui Microsoft FrontPage Utility DLL 10.0.4511
fpmmc.dll.mui Microsoft SharePoint and FrontPage Server Administrator Snapin 10.0.4511
fsusd.dll.mui File System Camera Devices DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
ftpctrs2.dll.mui FTP Service Performance Counters 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
fxsclntr.dll.mui Fax Console Resources 5.2.2543.0
fxsocm.dll.mui Microsoft Fax Optional Component Installer 5.2.2543.0
getmac.exe.mui Displays NIC MAC information 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
hpscnmgr.dll.mui HPSCNMGR DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
hpsjinst.dll.mui HPSJINST DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
idwlog.exe Build and Setup Tally Program 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
iexpress.exe.mui Wizard 6.05.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
iis.dll.mui Microsoft Internet Server Setup DLL (UNICODE) 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
iisclex4.dll.mui Cluster IIS administrator 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
iislog.dll.mui Microsoft IIS Plugin DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
iismap.dll.mui Microsoft IIS client certificate mapper 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
iisui.dll.mui IIS MMC Snap-in utility 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
inetcpl.cpl.mui Internet Control Panel 6.05.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
inetmgr.dll.mui IIS MMC Snapin Module 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
inetmgr.exe.mui IIS Admin Program 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
infocomm.dll.mui Microsoft Internet Information Services Helper library 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
infoctrs.dll.mui Common Internet Information Service Performance Counters 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
inkball.exe.mui Executable for InkBall Game 1.0.2030.1
inked.dll.mui Microsoft Tablet API 1.0.2030.0
inkobj.dll.mui Microsoft Tablet API 1.0.2030.0
inkseg.dll.mui Tablet PC Component 1.0.2030.1
instmsia.exe.mui Installer for the Windows Installer 1.10.1029.1
instmsiw.exe.mui Installer for the Windows Installer 1.10.1029.1
iscomlog.dll.mui Microsoft IIS Common Logging Interface DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
jntfiltr.dll.mui Microsoft® TIFF/Notebook File Filter 1.0.2030.1
jnwdrv.dll.mui Microsoft Notebook Printer Driver Graphics DLL 1.0.2030.1
jnwdui.dll.mui Microsoft Notebook Printer Driver UI DLL 1.0.2030.1
licdll.dll.mui Licdll Module 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
licwmi.dll.mui Windows Product Activation Configuration WMI provider 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
logui.ocx.mui Logging UI Components 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
metadata.dll.mui IIS MetaBase DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
mofcomp.exe.mui mofcomp 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
mofd.dll.mui WMI 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
msdwintl.dll.mui Microsoft Application Error Reporting 10.0.2508
msncsapi.dll.mui Microsoft CSAPI Converter (v3 to v1) 1.0.2415
mspmspsv.dll Microsoft Media Device Service Provider 9.0.3683.0
mspmspsv.dll.mui Microsoft Media Device Service Provider 9.0.3683.0
mspvwctl.dll.mui EPDocViewer Module 1.0.2030.1
msrating.dll.mui Internet Ratings and Local User Management DLL 6.05.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
msrdpcli.exe.mui Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor 6.00.2600.0000
msscript.ocx.mui Microsoft (r) Script Control
mssdi98.dll Microsoft® SQL Debug Interface 7.00.8152.0
mssdi98.dll.mui Microsoft® SQL Debug Interface 7.00.8152.0
mstsc.exe.mui Remote Desktop Connection 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
mstscax.dll.mui Terminal Services ActiveX Client 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
mstsmhst.dll.mui Terminal Services Connections multihost 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
mstsmmc.dll.mui Remote Desktops Snap-in 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
msvcr70.dll Microsoft® C Runtime Library 7.00.9466.0
muisetup.exe.mui Multilingual File Installation 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
nbdoc.dll.mui nbdoc Module 1.0.2030.1
nbkintl.dll.mui Windows Journal Resources 1.0.2030.1
nbmaptip.dll.mui NBMappingTIP Dynamic Link Library 1.0.2030.1
netsetup.exe.mui Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor 6.00.2600.0000
nextlink.dll.mui MSWC Content Linking 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
odin.dll.mui Odin 1.0.02030.1
pdialog.exe.mui Progress Dialog 1
photowiz.dll.mui Photo Printing Wizard 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
preview.dll Video Previewer 6.05.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
preview.dll.mui Video Previewer 6.05.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
rdpdd.dll.mui RDP Display Driver 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
scrdenrl.dll.mui SCrdEnrl 5.131.3642.0 (main.020604-1656)
scrdia64.dll.mui SCrdEnrl 5.131.3642.0 (main.020604-1701)
scrdsign.dll.mui SCrdEnrl 5.131.3642.0 (main.020604-1656)
scrdw2k.dll.mui SCrdEnrl 5.131.2195.5583
scrdx86.dll.mui SCrdEnrl 5.131.3642.0 (main.020604-1656)
sortdata.dll SQL Sorting Data DLL 2000.080.0602.00
sqdll.dll.mui MSN MoneyCentral Redistributable 9.2001.0129.2
srusbusd.dll.mui Still Image Devices DLL (Digital Camera) 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
ssmypics.scr.mui My Pictures Slideshow Screensaver 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
sti.dll.mui Still Image Devices client DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
stikynot.exe.mui Sticky Notes Application 1.0.2030.1
sti_ci.dll.mui Still Image Class Installer 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
tabbtn.dll.mui Microsoft Tablet PC Buttons 1.0.2030.1
tabbtnu.exe.mui Tablet PC Buttons Service 1.0.2030.1
tabcal.exe.mui Tablet PC Calibration 1.0.2030.1
tabletoc.dll Tablet PC Component 1.0.2030.1
tabletoc.dll.mui Tablet PC Component 1.0.2030.1
tabletpc.cpl.mui Tablet PC Control Panel 1.0.2030.1
tabms.dll.mui Microsoft Tablet PC Extension 1.0.2030.1
tipband.dll.mui Microsoft Tablet Input Band 1.0.2030.1
tipres.dll.mui TipRes 1.0.02030.1
tipserv.exe.mui TipService 1.0.2030.1
tipskins.dll.mui tipskins 1.0.02030.1
tscupgrd.exe.mui Setup Custom Action Dll 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
tsddd.dll.mui Framebuffer Display Driver 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
tswebsetup.exe.mui Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor 6.00.2600.0000
urlmon.dll.mui OLE32 Extensions for Win32 6.05.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wam.dll.mui IIS WAM DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wextract.exe.mui Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor 6.05.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wfsevn.rll SQL Event Messages DLL 2000.080.0602.00
wfsnetnp.dll Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Server 2000.080.0602.00
wfsnetss.dll Winsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Server 2000.080.0602.00
wfsnps.dll SQL User Mode Scheduler DLL 2000.080.0602.00
wiaacmgr.exe.mui Windows Picture Acquisition Wizard 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wiadefui.dll.mui WIA Scanner Default UI 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wiadss.dll.mui WIA TWAIN compatibility layer 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wiamsmud.dll.mui Still Image Devices DLL 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wiascr.dll.mui WIA Scripting Layer 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wiaservc.dll.mui Still Image Devices Service 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wiashext.dll.mui Imaging Devices Shell Folder UI 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wiavideo.dll.mui WIA Video 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wiavusd.dll.mui WIA Video Stream device USD 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
winlogon.exe.mui Windows NT Logon Application 6.0.3683.0 (Lab06_N.020923-1821)
wisptis.exe.mui WISPTIS 1.0.2030.1
wmv8dmod.dll Windows Media Video 8 Decoder
xaddroot.dll.mui XAddRoot 5.131.2210.1 built by: Lab03_N
xenria64.dll.mui XEnroll 5.131.3652.0 (Lab03_DEV.020620-2000)
xenroll.dll.mui XEnroll 5.131.3652.0 (Lab03_DEV.020620-2000)
xenrx86.dll.mui XEnroll 5.131.3652.0 (Lab03_DEV.020620-2000)