文档:Windows 98 第二版 Build 2222A NFO
Dr. Egypt presents... W I N D O W S 9 8 S E C O N D E D I T I O N OEM Full and OEM Upgrade Version Microsoft signed-off on the final release of Windows 98 Second Edition on May 4, 1999. There are two versions of the OEM release: FULL and UPGRADE You MUST use the correct version for the appropriate situation - that is, if you want to upgrade a version of Windows 98 Gold (1998.6), then you use the UPGRADE version, NOT the full version. The FULL version will ONLY install over itself or a system that does NOT currently have an operating system on it. ** Note: Previous builds of Windows 98 Second Edition can NOT be upgraded with either of these CD's. You MUST either be upgrading a gold installation or create a completely new install using the FULL version. The Product ID Key for BOTH OEM products is: <product key removed> Previous PID's including the C9TCH PID are INVALID!! Anyone releasing a so-called "Final" version of Second Edition that uses this C9TCH PID is giving you an INTERNAL UNFINISHED test build that WILL EXPIRE in January 2000! Also, it was QUITE HUMEROUS to see PWA's so-called "Final Release" of build 2222.2. Well, once again they blew it. See the file in this DIR called "RTM.JPG" which shows you the scan of 2222.3 that they obviously missed. Oooops, PWA. I guess that "Attitude" of yours is getting the best of you guys, isn't it? BOTH of these CD's are bootable - that's one way you KNOW they're REAL ISO's and not some goofy rip by some shitty release group. One final note: I'm not going to BULLSHIT YOU and say for a FACT 100% sure that these are ABSOLUTE FINALS. NO ONE can make you that promise until they are holding the screen-printed product in hand - not even the goobers at PWA. Since the GENUINE CD'S obviously don't even exist yet, there's no chance in hell that ANYONE has them. There is a small chance that they could change these ISO's today or tomorrow one more time for some strange reason. I seriously doubt they will, but there is always that last-minute possibility. Monkeys might fly out of my ass, too, but they usually won't fuck with the build once they sign-off on it. If they do change it, I'll know instantly, and I'll get the changes ASAP. I'll also have the consumer versions once they get built. You DID notice that these are OEM versions, didn't you? You would be wise to check back over the next few days for any updated info in this directory regarding the latest developments of the REAL Windows 98 Second Edition. Cheers, Dr. Egypt