文档:Windows 95 Build 267 1 NFO

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          ▀▓▀  ▐▓▒░    ░▄▀                    ▀▓▀     ..R.Noble 
                █▓▒▒▒▀     ... Pirates With Attitudes
              ▄▓▓▀           Proudly Presents ...
│ ⌐ Windows-95 Build 267                                at 11-29-94 21:00 ¬ │
│ Supplier .....: Marlenus             │ Type .....: O/S                    │
│ Cracker ......: N/A                  │ Video ....: Yes                    │
│ Packager .....: Marlenus             │ Audio ....: Yes                    │
│ Protection ...: Beta 2 ID            │ Rating ...: [■■■■■■■■■■]           │

        Unzip this whole thing into a directory and run setup.

                           -/ This is PWA -\

┐──────────────────┐────────────────────────────────────────-- -   -  ·· ·  ·
│ President .......│ Orion
└──────────────────┐────────-───- -- ·· ··  ·
│ Council .........│ Blackhawk, Dark Lord, Les Manley, Satman, Snake
└──────────────────┐─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Senior Members ..│ Gordon Gekko, Rambone, Raw Liquid, Vigilante
└──────────────────┐─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Members .........│ Charlie, Chowdery, DreamWEaver, Ixcalthar,
│                  │ Marlenus, Mr. Eagle, Roland of Gilead,
│                  │ Snidely Whiplash
└──────────────────┐─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Affiliate .......│ Ares, Defcon-4, Drew, Mad Wizard, Magic Design,
│   Programmers ...│ Soul Rebel, Straight Jacket
════════════════════════════════════════════════════─════─═───-──-─--  ·· ·  ·

⌠ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│ Bulletin Board Name······│ Status······Nodes │ AC· │ SysOp ·············· │
│ Assassins' Guild ······· │ World HQ ····[10] │ XXX │ Blackhawk / R.Liquid │
│ Snake's Place ·········· │ U.S. HQ ······[4] │ XXX │ Snake ·············· │
│ Second Front ··········· │ European HQ ··[4] │ +XX │ Les Manley ········· │
│ Boner's Domain ········· │ Member Board ·[4] │ XXX │ Rambone ············ │
│ GetaWay ················ │ Member Board ·[5] │ +XX │ Macro Nit ·········· │
│ Falcon's Eye ··········· │ Member Board ·[5] │ XXX │ Ixcalthar ·········· │
│ NeverLand ·············· │ Member Board ·[2] │ +XX │ Gordon Gecko ······· │
│ Origin Unknown ········· │ Member Board ·[2] │ XXX │ Satman ············· │
│ Rising Sun·············· │ Member Board ·[1] │ XXX │ Orion  ············· │
│ Velvet Underground ····· │ Member Board ·[2] │ XXX │ Vigilante ·········· │
│ Belly of the Beast······ │ Affiliate ····[1] │ 603 │ Sulfuric Acid ······ │
│ Warez Shack ············ │ Affiliate ····[2] │ 404 │ Reich   ············ │

            If you are going to do it ... Do it with an ATTITUDE!

   Please note that PWA is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.... We're
   in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich. :)

────────────────────────────────┤ Final Note ├─────────────────────────────────
 ║ Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a   ║
 ║ Util, consider buying it! Someone's got to make it worth the programmer's ║
 ║ effort to keep up the high standards... They made it, so they DESERVE it! ║