文档:Windows 95 Build 122 1 NFO

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  Help US!                 |  ___)\ \/ /|    `ExILES   Free Leech Access for
    We Need An ANSI        |  _)   / \  | ,--' in       One Month to the Best
       ARTIST BAD for      | |__ / / \ \| | PARADISE     ANSI Logo Designed!
          The Offical ExP  `--------------'                UPLOAD To HELL!
               LOGO!             COUNTS!

     ╓───────────────────────[  EXILE's  MEMBERS  ]────────────────────────╖
 ╓─────────  ──  ·   · ── ──────────────────────────── ── ·    ·  ──  ────────╖
 ╙──────────────────  ──  ·                          ·  ──  ──────────────────╜
                               Founder: Whistler

                    Head Council: Interstate, Freddy, Lefty

                               File Boss: Bopper

                              Acquisitions: Sentry

                               Programmer: Faust

                  Couriers: TBA (Your name could appear here!)              

 ╓──────────────────  ──  ·                           ·  ──  ─────────────────╖
                              C H I C A G O

  Ok folks here it is Chicago Windows 4.00.124 Straight off the CD-ROM (1 of 3)
  Look for the devolopers Kit CD #2 in the next few days and CD #3 with Visual
  C++ 2.0 Pre-release.  The beta serial  fix works so have fun and enjoy!
  Released 7/22/94 BTW Thanx MS!


        ╒════════════════════════[ ExP BOARDS ]════════════════════════╕
 │    < BOARD NAME >     │  < NUMBER >  │   < SYSOP >   │ < NODES/POSITION >  │
 │                          - [ HEADQUARTER BOARDS ] -                        │
 │ HELL                  │ 702-259-8698 │ Freddy        │ 2  │  US HQ         │
 │ DIGITAL UNDERGROUND   │ 702-PRI-VATE │ LEFTY         │ 1  │  FILE BASE     │
 │                            - [ MEMBER BOARDS ] -                           │
 │ CYBER CITY            │ 702-PRI-VATE │ Whistler      │ 2  │  MEMBER BOARD  │
 │ Shadowy Descent       │ 615-792-2990 │ Blazing Shadow│ 2  │  MEMBER BOARD  │
 │ POOF!                 │ 700-555-4141 │ SENTRY        │ 2  │  MEMBER BOARD  │
 │                          - [ DISTRIBUTION SITES ] -                        │
 │ This could be your    │ ???-PRI-VATE │               │    │  DISTRIBUTION  │
 │ Board listing here    │ ???-PRI-VATE │               │    │  DISTRIBUTION  │
 │ and dont forget we    │ ???-PRI-VATE │               │    │  DISTRIBUTION  │
 │ provide the uploads!  │ ???-PRI-VATE │               │    │  DISTRIBUTION  │
 │                       │ ???-PRI-VATE │               │    │  DISTRIBUTION  │
 │                       - [ OFFICIAL EXP AFFILIATES ] -                      │
 │ Fermentia             │ 702-437-0208 │ Dr. Acid      │ 1  │  AFFIL. BOARD  │
 │ Apocolapse            │ 702-796-1486 │ Syntax Error  │ 1  │  AFFIL. BOARD  │
 │                       │              │               │    │  AFFIL. BOARD  │
 │                       │              │               │    │  AFFIL. BOARD  │
 │  Would you like to see your board added to this list then apply at HELL!   │

      ╓──────────────────────────[READ ME NOW]───────────────────────────╖
    Yes!  We are back in to the swing of things with a fresh new look and new
  management to boot.  We at ExP think its about time things got rolling after
  the internet bust here in 702.  The Warez is flowing in at 20+ megs a day and
  28.8 V.FC and V.34 are setting the standards to leech by.  So Why not call
  our NEW US HQ HELL at (702) 259-8698 NuP: G-SHOCK PROTECTION and get all the
  info But Beware its under construction heading to that standard of most
  excellent boards, PC-BOARD 15.1, serving all your file Transfer Needs!  Soon
  USR V.34!  We are looking for distro sites and couriers to help spread both
  Local and LD.  So spread the word and prepare for ONLY THE BEST!


     ╓──────────────────────────[ PLEASE NOTE ]───────────────────────────╖
 ║    We are always looking for fresh faces with talent for ANSI or other     ║
 ║ special programming needs so if you think you have the EXP to apply write  ║
 ║ us on HELL and tell us about your hidden talents!                          ║
 ║                                                                            ║
 ║ ╓                                                                        ╖ ║
 ║ ╙                                                                        ╜ ║
 ║    {@ @}                  "REMEMBER ExP COUNTS!"                 (.)(.)    ║