文档:Windows Longhorn Build 4011 NFO

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?████        OSBetaArchive.com Presents:                                     ▒███ 
▒███?         Microsoft Longhorn Professional 4011                          ?██▒
  ████                                                                      ?██▒
  ▒███                                                                     ?███ 
   ███?      Brought to you by: Netscrape, ReflectiaX & Grabberslasher      ███? 
    ▒███▒                                                                 ?███? 
 ▒██████?                                                                  ████ 
██████??                                                                    ███?
███?                         http://osbetaarchive.com                       ?██?
▒███?     ?██?                                                             ?███ 
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 ████  ?████▒                                                            ?███?  
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████   ?█████                █████████▒                                    ███? 
███▒      ████?                ▒████▒        General Info                  ███? 
?███?     ?████?                                                           ?███ 
 ████       ???                                                             ███?
 ?███▒                                                                      ███ 
  ?███?    Disc Type..................: CD Image (.iso)                    ████ 
 █████     Program Platform...........: x86                               ?███? 
 ████      Program Category...........: OS Beta                            ▒███  
 ?███?     Build string...............: 4011.main.030305-2045              ████ 
 ▒███      # of discs.................: 1                                   ?███ 
 ▒███      Serial #...................: CKY24-Q8QRH-X3KMR-C6BCY-T847Y        ███ 
 ▒███      OSBA Release Date..........: July 21, 2006                      ?███ 
 ?███▒                                                                    ▒███  
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 ?███████?                       ?███████?                      ?████     ████? 
███████?     Disc Information       ███?                         ?██▒     ████   
███?                                                                    ████    
▒███       Image Format.................: .iso                          ███?    
 ████▒     Images are bootable?.........: Yes                            ███?    
  ▒███▒    Images have been tested?.....: Yes                            ?███?   
███?                                                                     ███?
▒███?     ?██?                                                           ███ 
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███▒      ████?                ▒████▒        Compression Format            ███? 
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 ████       ???                                                             ███?
 ?███▒                                                                      ███ 
  ?███?    Compression Format.........: .rar                               ████ 
 █████     # of Parts.................: 1                                 ?███? 
 ████      Filenames..................: OSBA_4011.rar                      ▒███  
 ?███?     Created By.................: WinRAR 3.51                        ████ 
 ▒███      Total Compressed Size......: 530 MB                            ?███ 
 ▒███                                                                      ▒███▒
 ?███▒                                                                    ▒███ 
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 ?███████?                       ?███████?                      ?████     ████? 
███████?       Installation         ███?                         ?██▒     ████
███?                                                                       ████    
▒███                                                                       ███?    
 ████▒     Turn clock to 6th Mar 2003 and install as normal.               ███?    
▒███▒                                                                       ███
▒███▒                                                                       ███
▒███?     ?██?                                                             ?███ 
 ███?   ▒█████?                                                           ████? 
 ████  ?████▒                                                            ?███?  
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████   ?█████                █████████▒                                    ███? 
███▒      ████?                ▒████▒              Notes                   ███? 
?███?     ?████?                                                           ?███ 
 ████       ???                                                             ███?  
 ?███▒                                                                      ███ 
  ?███?    OSBetaArchive.com, the place for collectors, brings you another   ████ 
 █████     cool release of Longhorn, Longhorn Professional 4011.             ████ 
  ▒███                                                                        ▒███ 
 ███?      It is confirmed working and has been tested on virtual            ▒███▒ 
  ▒███     and real machines.                                                 ▒███ 
 ▒███                                                                        ?███ 
 ▒███      Greets to:                                                        ███ 
 ▒███                                                                       ███?
 ▒███  Liebo, sHARD>> and the rest of the OSBA team, and everyone else     ?███ 
 ▒███  who contributes to the OSBA community. Special thanks to Netscrape  ████ 
 ▒███  who made this possible & Koptor and Abyssunderground for mirrors.   ████ 
 ▒███                                                                     ▒███▒ 
 ███?                                                     ??▒?              ?███?
███                                     ▒▒?       ??███████████              ██?
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▒██▒ ?████████████?▒█████████??██████████████████████▒?       ██████████████████?
▒████████    ▒████████████████████████?     ██████                        ?▒▒?   
?█████         ?███?      ????▒                                                 
                                                      NFO by 1of12 / sHARD>>