文档:Windows 95 Build 302 NFO

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_ __________    __________ ___________      __________   ________
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 |                                                                            |
 +-----------------------------------------------[ CoRRoSiOn 1994/95 ]--------+

 |                  .:. CoRRoSiOn '95 Proudly Presents .:.                    |
 |                           W i n d o w s  1 9 9 5                           |

 |                       .:. Release Information .:.                          |
 | Packager : evilive                  |  Type Of Release   [ ] H/P/A/V/C     |
 | Supplier: not telling               |------------------+ [X] WAREZ         |
 | Cracker: XXXXXXX                    | Date:jan 12th    | [ ] PPE/CODING    |
 | Disks: 2X                           | Rating on 1/10.. | [ ] CONSOLE       |
 | Packager: evilive                   | [++++++++++] 10! | [ ] OTHER         |
 |                      .:.   CoRRoSiOn BuLLeTinS   .:.                       |
 |    If you are interested in being in any Part of our Pc/Hpa/Console/PPE    |
 |divisions, a courier, or a dist site, call our US Headquarters & leave a msg|
 |   to the corrosponding person incharge of the area are you interested in.  |
 |- Do not get us confused with the old "COROSION" we are 100% Unalike! hehe -|
 |                         .:. CoRRoSioN Leaders .:.                          |
 |                                  evilive                                   |

 |                     .:. CoRRoSiOn Worldwide Systems .:.                    |
 | AVAILABLE       [5+Nodes] [YOU]R B-OARD   YOU?????????      World HQ       |
 | Black Opium     [2 Nodes] [XXX]XXX-XXXX   evilive           US HQ          |
 | Atomic Comet    [1 Node ] [XXX]φφφ-φφφφ   Viper Kyrnn       Member BBS     |
 | SPACE FOR RENT  [X Nodes] [???]φφφ-φφφφ   YOUR NAME HERE    Member BBS     |
 | SPACE FOR RENT  [X Nodes] [???]φφφ-φφφφ   YOUR NAME HERE    Dist. Site     |
 | SPACE FOR RENT  [X Nodes] [???]φφφ-φφφφ   YOUR NAME HERE    Affiliate      |

           All PPE Coders, Hpa'ers, Pc Suppliers, PLEASE CALL TODAY

               .:. CORROSION - TRUE QUALITY SINCE 01/01/95 .:.