文档:Windows 2000 Build 2195.1 Professional NFO (PWA)

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	  ▀▓▀  ▐▓▒░    ░▄▀                    ▀▓▀     ..R.Noble <MiRAGE>
		█▓▒▒▒▀     ... Pirates With Attitudes
	      ▄▓▓▀           Proudly Presents ...
║ [Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional OEM 1-2 CPU FINAL ISO ] Dec 22, 1999 ║
║ Supplier .....: team pwa             │ Type .....: OS                     ║
║ Cracker ......: n/a                  │ Tester ...: team pwa               ║
║ Packager .....: team pwa             │ Ripper ...: team pwa               ║
║ Protection ...: s/n                  │ # Disks ..: 85 x 5meg              ║

Well, first of all, I'm not a sore loser, so let me congratulate CoreUtil
on their releases of what I assume is the final code.  I have no way to
verify it until I have retail CD's in hand, but I will take them at their
word.  So congrats Core on rips and ISO of Windows 2000 finals.  I don't
know how the hell you did it, you must have one great insider.  Microsoft
locked down the finals internally, even employees only have access to a
440 day timebombed evaluation copy.  We were all over this one and I just
HATE to lose a release like this..... *sigh*.

Anyway, PWA normally doesn't do ISO, but we'll make an exception for this
release.  This is the bootable OEM Windows 2000 Professional CD for single
and dual processor machines.  This is the actual CD that will be shipped
out with the purchase of a new system installed with Windows 2000.

Use the following product key for installation:
<product key removed>

				  PWA Sites

             │ FTP Site Names       │ Status ···················· │
             │ If you're on them you know otherwise keep looking  │

             If you are going to do it .... Do it with an ATTITUDE!

  * Please note that PWA is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.. We're  *
  * in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich.  *

  * PWA also does not accept new BBS', FTP sites, net couriers, graphics   *
  * artists or programmers (including PPE's... PCB, may it rest in peace)  *

┌───────────────────────────────┤ Final Note ├─────────────────────────────┐
│ Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a  │
│ Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's  │
│ effort to keep up the high standards.. They made it, so they DESERVE it! │