文档:StagingTool 帮助命令输出

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StagingTool [version 10.0.25910.1000 (WinBuild.160101.0800)] 

    [StagingTool.exe] Controls the feature configurations for this device

       Usage: StagingTool.exe [/enable  <featureId>]
                              [/disable <featureId>]
                              [/query   [featureId]]
                              [/reset   <featureId>]
                              [/setvariant <featureId> <variantId> [payload]]


                              [/trace <featureId1> [<featureId2> ... <featureIdN>]]

                              [/setbootconfigs <jsonFile> <registryPath>]

       /enable          Enable the specified feature
       /disable         Disable the specified feature
       /query           Query the specified feature (or all features, if featureId
                        is omitted) for enablement and variant information
         /v                 Optional parameter to also print ImageDefault and ImageOverride features

       /reset           Reset the specified feature to its default state

         <featureId>        Specifies a feature by its feature Id
                            Example: Enable features with Id 1

                                StagingTool.exe /enable 1

       /testmode        Used in conjunction with /enable /disable /reset
                        Applied feature configs will revert after reboot

       /telemetry       Used in conjunction with /enable /disable /reset
                        Enables sending additional telemetry

       /setvariant      Select a feature variant to use (note: the feature must be
                        enabled for variants to be expressed). Use /query to list
                        configured variants.

         <featureId>        Specifies a feature by its feature Id

         <variantId>        Specifies a feature variant by id.

         [payload]          (Optional) Unsigned int payload for the variant
                            (for variants that support fixed payload)

       /serialize       Rather than apply changes to the local machine, use this
                        option to print out (in reg.exe/hex format) a new config
                        with all of the requested changes. This can be used for
                        offline updates to VHDs prior to first boot.

       /setlkg          Set Boot time feature override states as LKG Configurations
       /restorelkg      Restore Boot time LKG configurations states Feature Configurations

       /trace           Realtime ETW trace for the specified feature(s) usage in code
                        E.g. enable trace for the feature with ID 1235441: StagingTool.exe /trace 1235441

       /?                Show command usage