Windows Longhorn Build 4050.0.idx02.030928-0552:修订间差异

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== 新增功能与更改 ==
== 新增功能与更改 ==
=== 安装程序 ===
The Setup now utilizes a brand new Slate themed background and user interface.
安装程序现在使用全新的 Slate 主题背景和用户界面。

Upon launching the Setup, the user can now notice many drastic differences, as the previously used clock bitmap has been replaced with a countdown timer, and a Windows flag has been added to the title of each step. Simliarly, the "Final Countdown" step has been renamed to "Completing Setup".
启动安装程序时,用户现在可以注意到许多巨大的差异,因为以前使用的时钟位图已替换为倒数计时器,并且每个步骤的标题中都添加了 Windows 标志。同样,“Final Countdown(最终倒计时)”步骤重命名为“Completing Setup(正在完成安装程序)”。

Most Setup steps now contain a Help button, which can tell the user about what product keys do, which Upgrade option to choose, what computer names do and so on.
现在,大多数安装程序步骤都包含一个 Help(帮助)按钮,此按钮可以告诉用户产品密钥的作用、要选择的升级选项、计算机名称的作用等等。

On the first page of Setup, Setup now mentions that the user is about to install a pre-release version of Longhorn and it will expire after 180 days.
在安装程序的首页上,安装程序现在提到用户即将安装 Longhorn 的预发布版本,此版本将在 180 天后过期。

A new "Clean install settings summary" page has been added, which enables the user to change the Installation location, Computer name, User account name, Regional settings, Keyboard layout and Time zone prior to installation. However, in this build and all subsequent builds, only the two first options are modifiable by the user.
添加了新的“Clean install settings summary(全新安装设置摘要)”页面,使用户能够在安装之前更改安装位置、计算机名称、用户帐户名称、区域设置、键盘布局和时区。但是,在此版本和所有后续版本中,用户只能修改前两个选项。

The Drive partitioning stage of Setup now includes new options to refresh, delete, create and extend a partition.

A new Slate background that spells out the word "welcome" is now also present in the <code>setup.exe</code> autorun.
拼写出单词“welcome”的新 Slate 背景现在也出现在 <code>setup.exe</code> 自动运行中。

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