Windows Longhorn Build 4050.0.idx02.030928-0552:修订间差异

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(创建页面,内容为“{{NavBar|首页 > Microsoft Windows 通述 > Windows 客户端 > Windows Vista > Windows Longhorn Build 4050.0.idx02.030928-0552}} {{Infobox Windows build |build of = Windows Longhorn |image = 4050idx02-Desktop.png |buildtag = 4050.0.idx02.030928-0552 |family = nt |NT version = Windows NT 6.0 |build = 4050 |lab = idx02 |revision = 0 |arch = x86 |sku = Home Edition |compiled = 2003-9-28 |timebomb = +180 days |key = TCP8W-……”)
第 56 行: 第 56 行:
As many branding changes did not make it into the Home Edition codebase at the time, the <code>[[winver]]</code> banner and Longhorn Screen Saver use the earlier [[Plex]]-themed branding.
As many branding changes did not make it into the Home Edition codebase at the time, the <code>[[winver]]</code> banner and Longhorn Screen Saver use the earlier [[Plex]]-themed branding.

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