Windows Longhorn Build 4048.0.idx02.030925-1900:修订间差异

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== 文件恢复和安装 ==
== 文件恢复和安装 ==
The first two indexes ([[Windows Preinstallation Environment|WinPE]]) of the <code>install.wim</code> file survived, while the third index (Longhorn) got partially cut off, resulting in the file table missing at the very end of the image. It is however possible to reconstruct the file table based on [[Windows Longhorn build 4051|build 4051]], as the metadata resource of the first two indexes are intact. The third index is missing a good chunk of compressed data and all of its metadata resource, resulting in files not containg any valid metadata.
<code>install.wim</code> 文件的前两个索引([[Windows 预安装环境|WinPE]])是完整的,而第三个索引(Longhorn)被部分截断,导致文件表在映像的最末尾丢失。但是,可以根据 [[Windows Longhorn Build 4051.0.idx02.031001-1340|Build 4051]] 重建文件表,因为前两个索引的元数据资源完好无损。而第三个索引缺少大量压缩数据及其所有元数据资源,导致文件不包含任何有效的元数据。

Community member lucasm published a fixed <code>install.wim</code> with a reconstructed file table on 31 December 2021.
社区成员 lucasm 于 2021 年 12 月 31 日发布了一个修复的 <code>install.wim</code>,在其中包含了一个重建的文件表。

Currently, the only way to install this build is by copying the recovered files from the third index of the <code>install.wim</code> onto a partition with [[Windows Longhorn build 4042 (Lab06 n)|build 4042 (Lab06_n)]] pre-imaged. The hardware portion of Setup will continue with files from this build and eventually complete the installation. Installing the build using this method results in the installation being single-use only, and attempting to reboot or log off will render the installation unbootable.
目前,安装此版本的唯一方法是将恢复的文件从 <code>install.wim</code> 的第三个索引复制到预先映像了 [[Windows Longhorn Build 4042.0.lab06_n.030909-1709|Build 4042.Lab06_n]] 的分区上。安装程序的硬件部分将继续使用此版本中的文件,并最终完成安装。使用此方法安装版本会导致安装仅是一次性的,尝试重新启动或注销将导致安装无法启动。

An i386 or WIM repack with files taken from build 4051 is also possible, in which the user will be allowed to reboot or log off. Although, installing the build with this method will result in many "[...] has not passed Windows Logo testing" driver prompts in the Setup or on the desktop due to many missing catalog files.
也可以使用从 Build 4051 获取的文件进行 i386 WIM 重新打包,将会允许用户重新启动或注销。尽管使用此方法安装版本将会因为缺少许多目录文件导致许多“[...] has not passed Windows Logo testing([...]未通过 Windows 徽标测试)”驱动程序提示,但不会导致无法启动。

== 新增功能和更改 ==
== 新增功能和更改 ==
