Windows Longhorn Build 4029.0.main.030619-0000:修订间差异

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=== 用户界面 ===
=== 用户界面 ===
====Login screen====
==== 登录屏幕 ====
The login screen interface has been massively overhauled. Upon booting, a glass Windows flag slides from the top into the center of the screen, with it then moving up or down, depending on which login messages are present on screen.
登录屏幕界面已进行大规模改造。启动时,玻璃 Windows 标志从顶部滑到屏幕中央,然后根据屏幕上显示的登录消息向上或向下移动。

Upon logging off, the glass flag is placed in the center of the screen, along with a message specifying to press {{key press|Ctrl|Alt|Del}} to log on. Once those keys are pressed, the logo moves down and the user account selection window is revealed.
注销后,玻璃标志将放置在屏幕中央,并显示一条消息,指定按 {{key press|Ctrl|Alt|Del}} 登录。按下这些键后,徽标会向下移动,并显示用户帐户选择窗口。

The user account selection window now contains the options to Stand by and Hibernate the machine, no longer requiring the user to log on to do so. A cancel button is also present, which brings back the "Press {{key press|Ctrl|Alt|Del}} to log on" screen. Once the desired account is selected, the glass flag moves to the center, and the user is then logged on.
用户帐户选择窗口现在包含“待机”和“休眠计算机”选项,不再需要用户登录即可执行此作。此外,还提供了一个取消按钮,此按钮将会带回“Press {{key press|Ctrl|Alt|Del}} to log on(按 {{key press|Ctrl|Alt|Del}} 登录)”屏幕。在选择所需的帐户后,玻璃标志将移动到中心,然后用户将登录。

The wallpaper used for the login screen has also been updated, with it now using the Milestone 5 aurora wallpaper, albeit without the glass logo and text.
用于登录屏幕的壁纸也已更新,现在使用 Milestone 5 极光壁纸,尽管没有玻璃标志和文字。

====Pig Latin strings====
====Pig Latin strings====
