Windows Longhorn Build 3706.0.Lab06 N.021029-1731:修订间差异

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== 发现 ==
== 发现 ==
=== New file copy conflict resolve dialog ===
=== 新版文件复制冲突解决对话框 ===
This build, just like [[Windows Longhorn build 3683|build 3683]], contains a new file copy conflict resolve dialog. This dialog can be enabled by opening the Registry Editor, navigating to <code>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer</code>, creating a DWORD named <code>NewResolve</code> and setting it to 1.
此版本与 [[Windows Longhorn Build 3683.0.Lab06_N.020923-1821|Build 3683]] 一样,包含一个新的文件复制冲突解决对话框。可以通过打开注册表编辑器,导航到 <code>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer</code>,创建一个名为 <code>NewResolve</code> 的 DWORD 并将其设置为 1 来启用此对话框。

While the dialog itself is mostly identical to build 3683, the Date Created, Date Modified and Date Accessed strings were removed.
虽然对话框本身与 Build 3683 基本相同,但删除了Date Created(创建日期)、Date Modified(修改日期)和Date Accessed(访问日期)字符串。

=== Briefcase introduction ===
=== Briefcase introduction ===
